Friday, 27 July 2012

Diana writes from Toronto

What a friendly city this is, and it’s great to have a patch of summer in the middle of formidable S.A. cold. Europeans are also complaining about the cold, and more and more people are muttering about climate change. Not of course the powers that be here in Canada, who last year pulled out of the Kyoto protocol. But I'm trying to put such worries, whether global or more parochial, aside for a few weeks, and have a holiday.  To this end I have entered urban life with gusto - zooming up and down on the efficient Canadian subways system, taking in a Picasso exhibition and doing a Buffy Sainte-Marie free concert. I love the multiculturalism especially among the young. My god daughter Sophie, at 17, has friends from everywhere, and says even the Chinese `mix it up'. Not to say of course that it isn't the immigrant population, who keep capitalism on track with cheap labour, but it, is good to be away for a bit from the in-your-face hard realities of SA. I'm off now to swim and bird watch on Lake Ontario. Thereafter I meet up with Johan and we visit Greece for awhile before coming home. If Greece is functioning that is...
Will catch you all later.


Hindu Festival on Dunda Square
Henry Moore Sculpture
Henry Moore Sculpture

Lydia and I at the Henry Moore Sculpture
Weird fruit in Chinatown

Weird fruit in Chinatown
Piano at the harbour front


Pianos have been placed all around Toronto, which say PLAY ME - I'M YOURS, and people do just this. I’ve listened to Beethoven on the corner of Yonge and Eglington and dance music on the harbour front. Lovely things happen around the pianos, like these dancing couples show. None of the dancers knew each other previously.

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