Tuesday, 11 November 2014


No flies on us!  We have been busy building, changing, renovating and doing make-overs. And so begins our blog series CHANGING SPACES starting with OUR NEW KITCHEN and a rejuvenated entrance garden.


No more has poor Johan to cook for the multitudes from the farmhouse kitchen. Our new restaurant-quality kitchen - situated in the old stable - opened for business two weeks ago, at the first celebration of the summer season. We have fancy ovens and a long run of blisteringly hot grills, a gynormous cold room, industrial dishwasher and even a 'heated pass'.  Lots of finishing touches needed but everyone involved with food preparation proclaims it to be a great success.

BEFORE. 2nd photo where the ovens are now and 3rd looking towards the cold room.
Clockwise from top left: 1) The main kitchen area, 2)Marna & Dido in the kitchen, 3) the new dishwasher, 4) the coldroom.

Clockwise: 1) Lisa and Ashtom preparing Pavlova, 2) Gail with bread rolls, 3) Marna & Dido at thekitchen door, 4) Johan, Dido and Lisa hard at work.
Our fantastic new kitchen and a framed view


With our no car rule for the farmhouse yard, new possibilities opened up. The year before last we brought the grass up to level with the cottage and then this year we took it up even further and added a water feature. 

1 comment:

WI said...

All looks lovely! Can't wait for our wedding there in Dec 2015!