Thursday, 16 August 2012

News and Feedback from Sarah-Jane

Sarah-Jane, whose lovely sketches we posted a few weeks ago, has written to us with news and feedback on her volunteering here. She is a final year Architectural student at UCT so along with her good spirits, hard work and enthusiasm, we picked her brains (and hope to do more of that in the future).

She writes 
Campus life is back in full swing, it’s the final countdown now to our final, just 3 months to go.
The time I spent on your farm was truly magic, thank-you again.
I am happy to report it’s given me plenty of motivation for the final stretch with my thesis!
I really hope it is not too long before I can come visit again soon.
And I am certainly still keen to get stuck into revamping the hut once I am done.

Hope you are all well (and warm in this chilly weather!)

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