Monday, 7 May 2012

Birding route a possibility for Swartland

West Coast Swartland Tourism held their marketing meeting at Fynbos on 19 April.  The group met to plan the implementation of a birding route in the area. There is a proliferation of bird life in the area and we’re lucky at Fynbos to have regular sightings of some magnificent varieties as is evident by these photos taken on the farm.
Jackal Buzzard
Cape Eagle Owl


blubber said...

If I was a bird, I would have also chosen Fynbos Estate as my sanctuary!

Natanya Israel said...

Hi, I am interested in leading birding and photography tours, hikes and mountain biking tours in Koringberg. Could you please contact me on 082 879 5572 to discuss. I have great plans for community upliftment and to boost tourism and investment in the area!