Friday, 30 March 2012


This morning I added these images as photographic contributions to MammalMAP – an Africa-wide project aiming to update the distribution records of all African mammal species. Operating on the premise that we can’t conserve mammals effectively if we don’t know where they are, MammalMAP is collaborating with professional scientists, conservation organisations, wildlife authorities and citizen scientists across Africa, to consolidate all reliable and identifiable evidence (camera trap records, photographs) of current mammal locations into an open-access digital database. The database software automatically generates online distribution maps of all recorded species which are instantly visible and searchable. The information within MammalMAP will not only yield crucial information for species conservation policies and landscape conservation policies, but provides an excellent platform for involving the public in African mammal conservation efforts. Anyone, anywhere can contribute to MammalMAP! All you need is a recent photograph of a mammal that has date information (so we know when it was taken) and location information (so we know where it was taken). Then follow the simple steps on the MammalMAP website to submit your records to MammalMAP's "Virtual Museum".

I am the coordinator of MammalMAP, and plan to use this project as a platform to put Paardeberg mammals on the map! By involving all Paardeberg land owners and Cape Nature I hope to use multiple camera traps to properly document what mammals still remain in this animal refuge and important conservation area. With the help of Diana and Johan Simons and Judy and Chris New, I aim to turn this dream into a reality in the coming months. Watch this space!

Tali Hoffman
MammalMAP Project coordinator

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