Tuesday 22 November 2011


Last Tuesday the farm was literally abuzz. First an enormous yellow machine trundled into the farm and set to work chipping piles and piles of our old vineyard stokkies. The chips will now be used for paths and mulch.
At the same time, in the farmhouse garden, other buzzing was to be heard, as a team of brave souls chopped down an old oak tree with two separate bee hives in it.  It was fascinating to watch the process which is represented here in pictures.  (It must be said that the bee man worked without gloves and was not stung, whereas the photographer (Diana), even with a long lens, managed to get stung seven times.(She clearly needs to meditate more).  We also learnt that raw onion rubbed on a sting helps the pain so be sure to walk about the countryside with a stash of raw onion in your handbag.

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